For the first time that I can remember, Valentine’s Day came and went without any cards or roses or chocolates. And that was my fault…I completely forgot that Valentine’s Day was rolling around. You see, we had a bit of crazy weather here in SC the week of Valentine’s, which put a serious crimp in my planning.

I usually go a little overboard for Valentine’s, like the year I sent Manning 14 Valentine cards, complete with glitter and confetti which poured out as soon as he opened the envelopes, and a dozen roses to boot. (He gave me an engraved heart necklace that year, so I think I came out on the winning end of the deal…) This year, though, time just got past me.
The Southeastern Wildlife Expo (SEWE) ran from February 14-16, and we ran away from home in Columbia to avoid getting snowed in before the weekend. We were so preoccupied with getting ready for our first experience at SEWE that Valentine’s got lost in the shuffle. We did sneak in a delicious dinner on Valentine’s at Stacks Evening Eats in Mt. Pleasant, so the event wasn’t completely overlooked!
SEWE was a ton of fun, and we met lots of folks who enjoyed our cookies. We were sampling our newest cookie, Lemon Sugar, and everyone loved it! We can’t wait to get our packaging finalized so everyone can enjoy them!
The week of Valentine’s and SEWE seems to have been the last gasp of winter around here…and we are ready for spring! We are looking forward to ushering in more spring weather at the Charleston Food + Wine Festival in two weeks—come see us in the Open Air Artisan Market!
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